Saturday, December 19, 2020

How To Download Whatsapp Status - App Link


Application Download Link :-

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Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Risky - Withdraw & Recharge Problem In All Trading Apps

We Can Invest OR Not?

Answer (English) :-

As you may know that till now all trading games and apps have Withdraw and Recharge system turned off, if any application has only recharge turn then Withdrawal system is off. 
So for now there is no point in playing all these games and apps. In such a situation, you can get caught in many fraud websites and companies.
 So according to my calculations, till you do not withdraw the system, it is good to stay away from it all.
So according to me till you stay away from all these till the Withdraw system is closed then it is good When the Withdraw system opens.
You can confidently play in all such apps and games that have the Withdraw system turned on.. There is no reason why you will only be able to recharge and play and withdraw..

 As soon as withdraw will open, I will tell you through my video that Withdraw system has now opened..

 👇🏻 So subscribe to my channel now 👇🏻

Answer (Hindi) :-

दोस्तो ..
जैसे कि आपको पता होगा कि अभी सभी Trading Games और apps में Withdraw और Recharge System बंद है तो किसी किसी Application में सिर्फ Recharge चालू है तो Withdraw System बंद है।
तो अभी के लिए इन सभी Games और Apps में खेलने का कोई मतलब नही है ।

ऐसे में आप कई सारी Fraud Website और कंपनियों में भी फंस सकते हो तो मेरे हिसाब से आप जब तक Withdraw System बंद नही होता तब तक इन सब से दूर ही रहे तो अच्छा है

जब Withdraw System खुल जायेगा तो आप पूरे विश्वास के साथ ऐसी सभी Apps और Games में खेल सकते हो जिन में Withdraw System चालू हो।

क्यो की सिर्फ Recharge करके खेलोगे और Withdraw नही कर पाओगे उसका कोई मतलब ही नही है।

जैसे ही Withdraw खुल जायेगा में आपको मेरे Video के द्वारा बता दूंगा की अब Withdraw System खुल चुका है ।

👇🏻तो अभी Subscribe करे मेरे चेनल को👇🏻

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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Download HD Stremz App :- Live Ramayan On DD National

Download Application Here :-

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Friday, April 3, 2020

How To Download Aarogya Setu Application ?

Aarogya setu app
Download Application From Here :-

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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

How To Send Fake OTP Message To Anyone - Download Application

Bombitup apk

Download Bombitup Application Here:-

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